Women’s Health is influenced by many factors. The transitions experienced throughout life such as pregnancy, motherhood and menopause equate to broad and complex health needs.
As such consistent and personalised care is essential in meeting the health care of women. The doctors at Affinity Family Medical can provide a range of care including:
- Breast health and checks
- Cervical screening tests
- Contraception advice
- Family planning
- Gynaecological conditions
- Pre-pregnancy planning
- Pregnancy care
- Menopause and perimenopause
- Mental health
- Nutritional advice
- Weight management
They can also provide specialist referrals for diseases that women experience, such as endometriosis, cervical cancer, breast cancer and polycystic ovaries.
Are you up to date with your cervical screening?
Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers and routine cervical screening can provide the best protection.
As of 2017 the pap smear test has been replaced by the cervical screening test, which works in conjunction with the HPV vaccination program.
Previously pap tests were offered every two years, but now a cervical screening test should be performed every five years if your results are normal.
Just like the pap test, the cervical screening test is a simple test to check the health of the cervix. Whereas the pap smear test was used to identify abnormal cells, the cervical screening test is used to help detect the presence of the Human Papillomavirus (known as HPV). HPV is a common virus that has the potential to cause cervical cancer if left untreated.
The National HPV vaccination program is currently used in Australia to protect against some strains of HPV. This vaccination program is for girls and boys aged 12 to 13 years. Please note that women who have been vaccinated will still need regular screening tests as not all types of HPV are covered by the vaccine.
If you would like to know more about cervical screening tests or the HPV vaccination program please view this fact sheet from the Cancer Council or ask your doctor at your next consultation.
Resources And Referrals
Based on your specific needs there are some great resources that your doctor can connect you to.
For example Women’s Health Queensland provides free access to fact sheets and videos on a range of women’s health and wellbeing topics. It also includes more specific resources like ‘Mums Connect’, a support and information group for those residing in Queensland.
As a primary care provider, your GP holds a central role in both advising on your health needs and managing health conditions through the professional resources they have access to.
Seeking help from your doctor for your health needs will ensure that your medical history is taken into consideration and that you are connected to the most relevant specialist or allied health services.